Monday, September 3, 2007

PodcampUK - The Aftermath!

We had some great times, conversations flowed and new friendships built, tune in tonight via webcam and audio mic input (flashmeeting) at 8pm GMT to chat with others from the weekend. If you can make it please drop by and say hello. We have a two hour slot to talk about how to improve for the next one (right?!) what you got from it and what to do next year.
( (replay at same link!)

You can find all some photos from the weekend that craig took (the dude with all the awesome gear!) at the entrance. Hope you'll twitter about the flashmeeting chat tonight. I personally want to thank john for his hard work with the setup of event and the sponsors, for without them it would not have happened. Please email all the sponsors to thank them personally if you can (even if just one line) (http//

blogtv show streams
main room -
conference -
boardroom -

blogtv archived video

Any of your videos you want to have hosted for free i can put them on the feed so everyone can get to them if you like, or tell me where the video is hosted and i will grab them and add them to the feed (with your permission of course)

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